Montblanc mountain is located Montblanc
In the area located on the borders between the states of Italy and France; As it overlooks Italy from the southeast side, and it represents one of the peaks of the famous Alps; As it reaches 4,807 meters above sea level; It thus ranks second among the highest mountain peaks on the continent of Europe, in addition to being the highest mountain peak in the Alps mountain range, and it should be noted that the first successful climbing attempt was recorded on Mont Blanc in 1786 AD.
Mount Liskam is Mount Liskalm
On the border between Italy and Switzerland, and represented by one of the mountain peaks in the Alpine mountain range, Benigny; Its height reaches 4,527 meters above sea level, and thus it ranks second among the highest mountain peaks in Italy, noting that this steep mountain is widely known among those who love climbing and hiking.
The Matterhorn is the Matterhorn
In the area between the Swiss and Italian borders, it represents one of the peaks of the European High Alps mountain range, and is the most famous; As it reaches a height of 4,478 meters above sea level, it is worth noting that the first successful climbing attempt was recorded on Mount Matterhorn in 1865 AD, by the British explorer Edward Whisper.
Mount Grands Jurassis
Grandes Jorasses, which is located in Italy, reaches 4,208 meters above sea level. It thus occupies the fourth place among the highest mountain peaks in the Italian Republic.
Mount Dent de Herense
The Dent d'Herens mountain in Italy is 4,174 meters above sea level. It is thus ranked fifth among the highest mountain peaks in the Italian Republic.